Enola gay ww2 dayton ohio

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But thanks to the distance from the enemy as well as industrial power, the United States was uniquely suited to provide powerful aid to the Allied Forces that ultimately resulted in victory. At the time, the Navy and Marine Corps air arms only had eight aircraft carriers, five patrol wings, two Marine aircraft wings, 5,900 pilots, 5,233 aircraft of all types including trainers, and a few air bases, according to the Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC). World War II signified an era of rapid advancement in aircraft technology, with major performance and range increases and the introduction of aircraft into even more roles, forever changing the nature of warfare.Īfter the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the need was recognized for both the advancement of technology and implementation of strategic aerial warfare. The first military role for an aircraft was reconnaissance, and by World War I military aviation grew to include several roles including scouts, artillery observers, fighters and bombers.

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Army Signal Corps purchased its first aircraft, a Wright Model A.

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